If all goes according to plan 2023 will be my 20th year in a row running the Belfast City Marathon, it also happens to be my 45th year of being me!
My 40's have so far blessed me with cloth ears and questionable vision so I'm feeling the need to see if it's possible to once again run a time that would qualify me for a London Marathon Good For Age Entry. Being in the over 45 category means the qualifying time is sub 3.10, so my aim is anywhere between 3hrs and 3.10.
Unfortunately this past November and December I was struck down with a severe bout of lazyitis so I have a monumental task ahead to get myself shipshape for marathon day!
January has been mostly about getting back into a good running routine and trying to shift the extra pounds that were gained from the excesses of Christmas. This is also proving to be a monumental task especially when the increase in training brings on ferocious bouts of runger ( think cookie monster on steroids ) !
Drop a comment if you're training for Belfast or any other spring marathon and if you've got any tips for combatting the runger please let me know!
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